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DHA: AZS provides qualified technical support services in the area of program support for the migration of the Defense Health System Services (DHSS) systems and applications from the existing operating environments and hardware to the DISA provided operating environments and hardware to align with DHSS chief technology officer (CTO). AZS provides services that include information technology and program management support, operations, planning, scheduling, coordination, and support for the efficient and successful migration of all DISA-located DHSS applications and products across all Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) -located DHSS projects and activities prior to, during, and after migration from customer owned equipment to DISA Capacity Services. AZS also supports creation and update to all related system lifecycle and operational documentation/processes and participate in or lead associated technical reviews, as appropriate for all migrating systems prior to, during and after migration.

HUD: Provide a turnkey records and document management solution for FHA. Successfully migrated the legacy paper documents into electronic documents and provide a managed services solutions enabling FHA to eliminate in-house IT costs. Solution includes full lifecycle records management including record pickup, chain of custody, record conversion (OCR), record retention, and record search. Migrated over 50 years of paper records to electronic records within a span of 3 months. This significantly eliminated the issues with FHA’s ability to properly assess the Lender compliance. Provided a search solution that enable FHA to search and compile within minutes, a lender package with all relevant lender documents in a single place. Significantly enhanced FHA’s ability to quickly respond to lender compliance issues and audit requests. Technologies used IBM Filenet, Oracle, Java, and OCR.
